Hi everyone! I just found this little blog spot here on my profile. I don't really blog much so ill just post on what I've done here sofar. First thing I was involved in for Newgrounds was the Voice Over Collab Part 2. I was involved 2 skits ("Sorry I Missed Your Call" as Terry and "The Jack Serious Imposter" as Actor 2). Since then, I joined in the Voice Acting Contest (VAC14) and have ranked 2nd in the first round ("Chasin The Heist") and 1st in the second round ("Grief and Loss"). I just submitted for the 3rd and final round and i am super excited for you all to hear it! It's called "Rat Problem". The contest has definitely helped me grow as a voice actor, a skit writer and an editor. So regardless on what happens with the contest, I've already benefited from it. I also got to hear alot of super talented voice actors and their projects. I hope you guys enjoy my work and i hope to make many many more for you!